Website Redesign
United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania County


United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania County is a part of a non-profit that engages people and organizations in community-led, innovative solutions to strengthen education, economic mobility, and good health throughout the world. Their website was heavily outdated, had poor organization, had issues with mobile responsiveness, and overall did not fall in line with the look or quality of the other sites within their wider organization.

Action Taken


Performed a complete website redesign for the client, completely overhauling the look and feel of the site.

Custom built a new sticky header, giving it a modern refresh. This includes a Donate Now button, utilizing their primary color to emphasize a clear call-to-action.

Built an engaging mobile responsive slider on the homepage, continuing to emphasize the call to action.

Built an engaging slider for the history page, working with the client to find historical and modern photos to showcase the rich history of the organization. The slider is completely mobile responsive with no loss of information.

Ensured mobile responsiveness across the site while keeping the readability, as the main audience are the elderly.

Updated written content across the site per client's request to make it more engaging and powerful.

Cleaned out the media library, updated plugins, as well as organized the theme library for a fast and secure environment.


The updated site now falls in line with the other sites in the organization in terms of look, feel, usability, and having a clear call to action. Plugin updates and image optimizations resulted in faster load times and improved site security.


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